Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Picture that made me cry...

Michael and Emma go to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday each week. Since we have to get going pretty early and I have 3 little ones to get dressed, fed and ready for the day, I pack their backpacks the night before, lay their clothes out and make Michael's lunch (they do provide lunch there but Michael is so picky that I have to make his lunch).

Usually I just fold their clothes so I've never laid them out this way before but tonight I decided that I wanted to see how the outfits looked cause I knew it would be cold tomorrow. Anyways, I stood up and saw these 3 perfect little outfits laid out in order and just seeing the sizes and how close they are and just how perfect. I don't know why, but something about that image just brought tears of joy, pride, and love to my eyes and heart. I had to share. :-)