Today I was talking to my friend who mentioned what a blessing her patriarchal blessing was and how there were things she didn't understand at the time that now make so much sense. I had not looked at my patriarchal blessing in a long time so I sat down to read it again. I immediately broke down in tears. There were things I read that I felt like I was reading for the first time. Several different paragraphs and different topics had not made a lot of sense before and I just looked them over and now reading through it I can see that I am currently living several of the things it talks about in my blessing.
For those of you reading this and saying "what is a patriarchal blessing?" this is the definition I found on the website: "Patriarchal blessings contain personal counsel from the Lord. As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection."
It's so amazing and such a testimony builder for me because I had my blessing when I was 16 or 17 and at the time a lot of it did not register or didn't pertain to my current life (at the time). Now as I read it there were things there that felt like it was a blessing from my Heavenly Father to pertain with the struggles I am currently going through. For those out there that think it was just the man giving me the blessing talking and that it wasn't from my Father in Heaven.... that just can't be true. Only my Father in Heaven could have said those words and known how my life would be 10 years later and the struggles I would be going through at this point in my life and give me guidance and advice on the things that could give me comfort and help. What a testimony builder for me.
I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing religion and I am continually amazed at the blessings that come into my life as a result of my beliefs and my lifestyle. I feel the spirit constantly reassuring me through different experiences in my life and today, the fact that my friend thought to bring it up and I felt prompted to go back and read my own ... those things are not coincidences. I have been struggling with different things lately and to find things in that blessing that I had never noticed before and that gave me SO much comfort... I am just so blessed.
For those of you that have your patriarchal blessings collecting dust somewhere, I encourage you to get them out and read through them. You never know when certain words from your Heavenly Father were meant for what part of your life.
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