It's been awhile since I've updated the blog. Procedure number 2 went well too. It takes about 4 weeks to fully work and its only been about a week since the last procedure. I'm still waiting for relief from the pain but I'm optimistic that it will work.
It's chemo day today. It stinks. I won't lie. I'm sick to my stomach and the pain always gets worse on these days. Adam came home early from work and let me sleep for over 4 hours while he took care of the kids. That's always really helpful and he does it every Monday. So there is the update on my health. Not real interesting. Not much has changed yet.
My kids are amazing. Emma has been so sweet lately. She is so helpful! She wants to do everything herself. Very independent. She wants to fix her own breakfast, lunch and dinner. She sets the table, she cleans up after herself and if her brother or sister have a spill she is the first one there with a towel to wipe it up. She is right by my side 24/7 helping me. Yesterday she was helping me put Hailey down for bed. She handed Hailey her puppy dog, blanket and binky and said "Love you Hailey, sleep well." Then closed the door. I got down on my knees and gave her a big hug and said "You're such a good big sister sweetie." and she looked at me with those big beautiful eyes and said "no mama. I'm a good mommy." haha. So cute! So I call her 'little mommy' now.
Michael has been doing better with his aggression. He can be so sweet sometimes and at other times he can be so aggressive and mean. I never know what personality is going to come out of him and it can change at the drop of a hat. But lately he has done better. He is playing with his sisters more and being more helpful. He has his moments but I think he is trying and I'm trying to be more patient and understanding of him. At church yesterday he colored a picture with a heart on it and asked his teacher to write "I love you Camryn" on the back. Then he begged me to walk around church until we found this little girl that he is head over heels in love with. She is probably 6 years old and just cute as a button! She is the older sister of one of his play dates. When we found her he gave her the card and she read it and gave him a big hug and said "I love you too Michael." and he just glowed from ear to ear! And ALL day he was talking about his "girlfriend Camryn". haha. I was trying to put him to bed and he kept opening his eyes and said "did you see her long pretty hair mommy. Wasn't is perfect?" and then he would say "what color do you think Camryns eyes are? I think I will have to ask her when I see her again." It was so adorable to see him with his first REAL major crush. He has had a few in his few short years of life but this is the first time he seems to be really in puppy love. Just adorable!
Hailey is truly the most perfect baby in the world. I can't even begin to tell you. She is just ALWAYS happy and smiling. She will only cry when she wants to go to sleep, and it's just to let me know. If she has a dirty diaper she just toddles over and gets a clean one and brings it to me. When she is hungry she goes to the fridge and slaps her little hand on it until I get over there. She picks up her toys, she eats whatever I give her (not picky at all), and she is just always smiling and laughing and dancing. There is not a happier baby girl in all the world.
I feel so incredibly blessed to have the children I have. They are beautiful, healthy, smart, sweet, just all around amazing kids!!!
Your kids sound like they are handling things quite well! I really hope and pray that you'll make it through this and that it all be worth it in the end! You're amazing! :)