Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why I had 3 kids so close together.....

Sometimes I meet people that think I'm nuts or "wrong" for having 3 kids so close together. I've met people that think it's selfish, and others that think it's unfair and just plain wrong. . .

I was watching this commercial today of this family that all comes together of all different ages. The parents were older (grandparents), all their children grown (4) and their husbands or wives, as well as their children, came to this beach house for a family reunion. They looked so happy and they had all their cousins there to play with. It was awesome. That's what I hope my future looks like.

For the people that think I'm nuts for having my children so close together, or who think I'm selfish... i have to ask them... wouldn't it be selfish to not give them each other? To not give my future grandbabies their cousins? When Adam and I are gone my children will not be alone. They will ALWAYS have each other, and having a sibling is different than having distant relatives. My kids LOVE each other to pieces. Sure they fight like siblings do but when it comes right down to it, when things get tough they are the first ones there to take care of each other. Not a friend down the street that they see once a week for a play date, but the best friend they have under the same roof. They have that closeness because they are close in age and they relate to all the same things. Unless you have kids close together in age or have a few of them, you cant imagine the closeness and love that siblings have for one another. They respect each other, they take care of each other, they look out for each other, they are each others best friends always. They are not a friend that may come and go from their lives, they are forever.

Adam caught a cold at work, and despite our efforts the kids caught it. They would lay together on the couch stuffed under a big blanket with their tissues watching movies together. Michael would start coughing and Emma would take Michael's hand and say "it's ok brother, it's ok". Michael helps me tuck Emma into bed every night. He loves to read her a story. We take turns. He reads to her and then I read to her. He sings a song and I sing a song. He helps her say prayers. Then we both give her a kiss on her forehead before we leave the room. I'm pretty positive that Emma would be thrilled to have her big brother put her to bed and totally ignore me being there. haha. I'm totally fine with her feeling that way though. They love each other and that's beautiful.

Don't think Hailey is left out. Far from it. She ADORES her big brother and sister. She follows them around and mimics everything they do. Often times I find them all 3 playing together and I'll say "can mommy play"? and they say "no mommy, this is just for brother and sisters." Emma loves to put Hailey to bed. Emma calls herself a "little mommy". She always wants to take over feeding Hailey her dinner. Michael is always giving Hailey kisses and running to find her favorite puppy stuffed animal when she is sad.

So anyways... for those that think having my 3 beautiful children so close together was selfish or having 3 of them was too many and was wrong.... well all I can say is that those people are wrong. And judging me for having such an amazing family that loves each other and counts on each other and needs each other and is perfect together .... then perhaps those people should look internally at themselves and realize just how "wrong" THEY are.

1 comment:

  1. Ignore people who say having kids close together is selfish. I would think it would be opposite. It means having more than one child in diapers at a time, and having three kids with a lot of needs. Lets face it, when you have older kids, they are more self sufficient. They can do more chores. Having all little kids means you (for the time) are doing everything for them that they need because they can't do it themselves. My brother and sister never played with me because they were so much older than I was and I always wanted siblings close to my own age.
