First off, I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything recently. It's been a week of ups and downs, but with everyone having done so much praying and fasting for me, I should have posted all those ups and downs to keep everyone updated. Sorry I haven't done that.
My doctor didn't call me back for several days even though I was calling and leaving several messages a day. He still to this day hasn't called me back. However, Adam went in for a doctor appointment of his own and confronted the doctor about everything and the doctor said that the test they did WAS the right ct scan (I'm not sure I believe that... I think he's just trying to cover his own butt). He said that my lungs are clear! Can you believe it!!! A few days before my lungs were covered in masses and now they are clear!!! He said that when an MRI is done that the pictures are taken over a long period of time and because I'm breathing and my chest is going up and down, that several shadows formed on my lungs and it looked like masses. The CT scan however takes several pictures very quickly to get an accurate picture and that shows that my lungs are clear with no masses on them. Thank heavens!!! I just have to hope that's true and that he's not lying. I don't know why he would, but it still bothers me that he never called me back to explain that all to ME and instead violated HIPPA laws and told my husband everything. Oh well. I think that all the fasting and all the prayers were a success. I think that all that faith healed my lungs. It's a miracle! :-) Thank you so much everyone!!!
I do still have some things to deal with. I need to find out how large my pleural effusion is (that's still there). If it's really large I will need to do a surgery to put a chest tube in and then do a few rounds of chemo and radiation. I will continue doing my weekly chemo injections and my monthly IV infusions for now.
The doctor is sending over a request for a pulminologist because I have had a "cold" for 18 months. Plus, I've been coughing up blood daily for several months. With the masses on my lungs gone, there is no explanation for it now.
So there is still plenty to deal with and I don't have all the answers and I haven't been able to ask my doctor any questions directly, I'm just going off what Adam said.
But lets think positive and believe that a miracle has taken place and that the masses on my lungs are gone! woo hoo!!! :-) :-) :-)
I don't believe this miracle would have taken place if it weren't for all the prayers that have taken place on my behalf. Thank you so much to each and every one of you.
Yea for you. Finally some good news! You're still in our prayers.