Friday, August 5, 2011

Choosing your attitude.....

When it comes to being sick and having 3 little kids it can be easy to get discouraged. When my kids want so badly to play with me and I'm too sick to get my head out of the toilet or to get out of bed. I use to take them to the zoo and the museum and all sorts of other fun things and now I just don't have the strength or energy. Seeing the look on their faces when I they ask me to do something and I have to say "mommy can't today" it is heartbreaking.

As I can be discouraging. When I dwell on it I could easily become depressed and overwhelmed. I CHOOSE NOT TO! I am choosing my attitude. I am choosing to find the silver lining and be positive. Somedays I have to remind myself but I will keep reminding myself because my kids, my husband and I need that.

Choosing to be positive does not mean that I don't take my moments to lock myself in a bathroom and cry for 5 minutes or scream into a pillow...cause I do all that. Sometimes I even do it on a daily basis. But I take my 5 minutes and then I get up and put a smile on my face.

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